As Cited in (The Star Online, 2018)...
"ISKANDAR PUTERI: The state government will establish the Johor Science, Technology and Innovation Council (Jostic) to strengthen the respective fields here.
Johor Local Government, Science and Technology Committee chairman Tan Hong Pin said there were no specific agencies that monitored performance in those fields and plan more science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programmes in detail.
“To strengthen the fields of science, technology and innovation (STI), the state government will established Jostic, which would be a one-stop centre.
“It will help make science, technology and innovation as well as digitalising a culture in Johor through the involvement of government, education institutions, entrepreneurship industry and community,” he added.
Tan said this in his reply to Cheo Yee How (PH-Perling) who wanted to know the state government’s plan on promoting science and technology in Johor.
He pointed out that the state government carried out various programmes in promoting science and technology.
Tan added that among the programmes were a science and technology festival, STEM competitions involving students, innovation, technology and science week (MISTI), and Innovation-Digital Johor, yearly exhibitions and activities to create awareness in the community.
“More than 1,000 science and mathematics teachers throughout the state will be given training using the smart science community module developed by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
“This module contains practical activities to educate students by using STEM in solving global issues such as energy, transportation, urban infrastructure and wireless communication,” he added.
The Star Online. (2018, December 11). Johor still ideal place for investors, tensions with Singapore will be resolved, says state exco. Retrieved from The Star Online: